
Raku Fired Series, 2024

This Ceramics series of raku fired pots were created at a residency at The Mill in France. It is deeply rooted in the ancient Japanese Raku firing technique, renowned for its ability to draw out vibrant and unpredictable colours, making each piece truly unique.

The series, with their distinctive copper finishes and rich red clay colour, mirrors the rich, metallic hues of the copper works I continuously procude, and unifies the two mediums into a cohesive artistic statement.

Each pot in this series reflects the harmony between control and chaos that Raku embodies. The intricate patterns and vibrant colours that emerge from the firing process are a testament to the interplay between the elements—earth, fire, and air. The rainbow glazes and smoky finishes, coupled with the shimmering copper finish at the base of Untitled #1 are not just decorative; they speak to the deeper philosophy of impermanence and the beauty found in imperfection, central themes in traditional Japanese aesthetics.

This particular piece touches upon the personal mythos in my family. When my mother was pregnant with me and my twin, something she didnt know at the time, and she kept breaking double yoked eggs. The work is also in relation to my copper piece titled 'It Hurts in this Body Stil', a poignant piece addressing to the loss of my twin sister.




It Hurts in this Body Still